Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Merry Christmas giveaways...

Merry Christmas from HP!

They're giving away FIVE new HP Touchsmarts!

You can enter at FIVE different sites to try your chance at winning too!

1. My Charming Kids
2. Kelly's Korner
3. Boomama
4. nienie dialouges
5. A Year of Slow Cooking

Go get signed up!!


1 comment:

  1. Hi- I emailed you a couple of times but haven't heard back- I need to know what choice you would like for the diaper bag you won last month on my blog. The zebra print is out of stock until the end of the month, so Mrs. Smith would like to know if you'd like to wait or if you have a second choice?
    my email is adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com. just let me know what you'd like and i'll pass it on! Thanks!

