Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Free Daily Planner Printable

A little treat for this Tuesday:  a printable daily planner for you!

I'm pretty unorganized when it comes to the dailies here at the house, so I've been tweaking a planner for about two months, and this is the result.  Here's how I use it:

Top Six - I recently read this great story about Charles Schwab and the secret to productivity, and it's as simple as writing the top 6 to-dos down, in order of importance, and working through them throughout the day.  If the list has some unfinished items, I simply right them down at the top of tomorrow's six.  It has really worked for me when it comes to prioritizing and time management!  I find I get a whole lot more done, too!

Workout and Water log - I've been running and getting in shape for a handful of races this summer, and so I've been logging my workouts and water intake.  I especially love the water tool, because I just quit my diet coke habit, and have forced myself to just drink more water.  It really makes a difference in my running days too.  (It looks like I wrote "hell training", but it's hill.  Kind of like hell though.  :))

Bless this Home - This has been huge for me!  I've got an old house, which I love, but it comes with a price of being hard to keep clean.  Couple the old windows and doors with a cowboy husband and two mudloving busy girls... our house in "lived in".  So, I've been trying to be more deliberate about keeping on a cleaning schedule and going with the decluttering mantra "less stuff, less to clean."

Bless this Family - I've included this space to remember any special dates or fun things we have planned, like golfing or art projects with the girls!


In the Kitchen - It's a little different than the picture below, because I've added Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner columns and then an Other, so I can remember things like preschool snacks, desserts to make, or freezer cooking.  I've been using a monthly menu planner, so I just transfer it to the daily sheet and I'm all set!  It's been a huge help!! :)  I also made these meal idea printables to match the planner, for a place to record all your tried and true meals!

To Do - Basically my running to do list!  I've never been a huge list maker, so it's been good for me to remind myself of little projects to take care of throughout the day.  Most of the time, I can knock out several of these in a hour or so.

Joys Today - The perfect place to record all the little blessings in my life!  It kind of goes along with the books I've been reading, and I really believe I'm a much happier person when I take the time to count and name my joys!


So there it is!  It's worked SO well for me I thought I'd share it with you!  I've got a handy little weekly planner where I put bigger scheduling tasks, and I'm working on other important information for a little binder!  I'm hoping to share them here soon!  If you're not feeling the color, you can sure print it out and black and white, too!

Just click the link to take you to the Google Doc, then File, and Download!

Enjoy!  And happy Tuesday to all!! And just because I'm nosy...

What helps you organize your day?


  1. A little "Hi" from Denmark. Just found your blog when searching for a printable daily planner. I'm excited to see what you can come up with in the future. :) From Lola.

  2. Lovely planner! Thanks so much!

  3. Such a pretty and colorful printable. Thanks!

  4. Hi - I am not sure how else to contact you, but I wanted to ask a question about this template. First of all, I LOVE it!! Thank you for posting it for free :) I would like to make something very similar to this, or tweak this one slightly to better reflect my day. Will you please tell me which program you used to create this? I love all of the graphics - you did a wonderful job designing it! Thanks in advance - Claudia

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful daily printable. I'm definitely going to be putting it to good use.

