Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 10 iPad Apps for Kids

Since holiday travel is just around the corner, I thought I'd share our favorite apps for the iPad.  Our girls are 2 and 4, and so these are geared towards that preschool age!!

{most are available as iPhone apps too!}

We absolutely love Mille Was Here.  {free!}  It's an interactive storybook about a sweet little pup who gets into a little mischief... and fun too of course.  Both the girls love playing and I think it's suitable for a wide range of audiences.  We also have Book 2: Millie and the Lost Key {$3.99} which is fantastic too!

Candy Count {free} is a simple yet engaging app that encourages sorting, counting, and other great math concepts, along with color recognition in a basic "game"... sorting candy into jars.  Plus, no sticky hands!!

We have the Cut The Rope: Holiday Gift {free} which is a simplified version of the full app Cut The Rope {$.99} but this is perfect for us!  Both girls like to play this, even if it's just the first level, and work on getting the candy cane to the frog's mouth.  Nothing too educational, but problem solving skills are required!

Who can resist the lovable Talking Tom?  {free} The in-app ads are a little bit annoying to my 2 year old, since she is encouraged to click on every one, but they do like talking and listening to his response!  For free, it's a pretty entertaining app!

Jingle All The Way {free} is the sweet story from Hallmark, available in an app!  For a free app, I'm pretty impressed with the activities and interactive options in the story!  Perfect for Christmastime!

Lakeshore Learning has a great offer until December 31st -- 3 free educational apps!  Sound Sorting, Letter of the Day, and Phonics Tic-Tac-Toe are all loaded with great interactive features that grow with your kiddos.  We love Sound Sorting!!

Noah's Ark {$1.99} is a super book that's pretty interactive and tells a great story too!  I actually used this in Sunday School to teach the Noah's Ark lesson, and there were plenty of activities for all the busy hands in the class!

This Intro to Math app {$4.99} continues to be a favorite of both the girls.  It's perfect because it structures activities around the ability of the child, and really hammers the math concepts home!  Well worth the money!

Monkey Preschool {$.99} is such a great way to introduce educational concepts in a fun way!  Although it's geared towards a younger set, both my girls really enjoy exploring the many games on this app!  Such a steal for the price! :)

Sticker Book {$3.99} by Disney is a pretty entertaining app for the girls.  Lots of interactive stories and of course, their favorite dress up princesses!  Pretty popular!!

Your turn!  What are your favorite iPhone/iPad apps?  Please share!

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